Have you ever played around with the letters in words to make new words. Well then you have found the anagrams included. One of the first ones I remember was "Race Car" and how it simply spells itself backwards. Along those same lines, anagrams can go much further. I recently watched a documentary called "Word Play" which tracked some fierce competetors on the Scrabble board game circuit. It seems that anagrams, and the ability to decode them, are a necessity to be successful.
Some funny anagrams I found:
Sarah Palin ~ A sharp nail
i love you ~ O! Evil you
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ~ Mr Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx
The Spotman and His World ~ Damndest whiplash or not
If you want to try and create some anagrams (it is very fun), there is a web-based generator that will take any word or phrase and give you back the anagrams it can make.
Click here to visit the website of Sternest Meanings and their anagram generator.Another great repository for everything anagram and to download free software,
visit Anagram Genius by clicking here.