Saturday, October 30, 2010

Childhood Time Warp!

Have you ever had one of those moments when you feel like you just went back in time for a few seconds? Well, I had that exact feeling as I ran across this picture from Toy Story 3 posted online by TS3's director Lee Unkrich. When I clicked on the link for the picture below, I started reminiscing how much I enjoyed seeing Toy Story 3 with my own kids. Then suddenly, I noticed something familiar in the frame and slowly zoomed in on the lunch box - I was looking at the same lunch box I carried to school as a kid!

It was as though at that moment I was again sitting in my elementary classroom, thinking about the lunch ahead (not the lesson at hand, of course - you gotta have your priorities), and anticipating grabbing off the shelf the coolest pail ever, my Six Million Dollar Man / Steve Austin lunch box. What was even better is that my lunch box had a matching thermos inside filled with either milk or soup (whatever mom wanted to fill it with). To be honest, it wasn't much about the PB&J and other treats inside, it was more about the opportunity at lunch to escape into my Six Million Dollar Man memories for a few minutes.

For those of you who have grown up totally immersed with Woody and Buzz Lightyear (thinking of you David, my oldest son), Steve Austin was the hero of my childhood. I had a Steve Austin figurine that had bionic limbs and the even better, a bionic eye that I could peer through and see a flash of light! There wasn't anything the Six Million Dollar Man couldn't do. Jamie Summers, the Bionic Woman, was pretty cool too, but nothing truly matched up to Steve Austin meeting with Oscar and getting his top secret orders.

Thank you Lee Unkrich for the easter egg you placed in Toy Story 3 and online, it was fun taking this trip down memory lane!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just saw Toy Story 3 on Blu-ray, and almost gasped when I saw MY old Six Million Dollar Man lunchbox! Mine likely suffered the same fate as the one in the movie, but damn if it didn't make the nostalgic themes of the movie that much stronger for me. Thanks for posting this.