Saturday, December 22, 2007

Camping with the Roberts Family at Fort Wilderness

The Leppert Family attached our fifth wheel camper to our truck and headed to Orlando last Thursday to spend a couple of nights at the Walt Disney World campground - Fort Wilderness. We heard that some of our friends were camping there as well and that we might be able to catch up with them while we were down at Disney. When we checked in, the attendant told us he was able to get us in the same loop of sites as the Roberts - little did we know until we pulled in, but we ended up right next door! What a fun time we had together, we piled all the kids and adults on bikes and rode around the campground looking at all the sites decorated for Christmas. I have to tell you - the campground looked more lit up than many neighborhoods! Check some of my earlier posts to this and you can see some video as well. I have included some pictures of the Roberts Family and the Leppert Family. Ben and Paige currently are camping with a classic Airstream trailer that is in great shape (minus a dent on the driver's side of the unit). After biking around the campground and a few spills on the way with all the kids swarming on their bikes (Rebekah even fell into a bush for no apparent reason - we are still trying to figure out what happened), the adults played games until late into the night while the kids watched movies of their choice. All had a great time together!

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