Saturday, December 8, 2007

Kevin James - Cut in Half Illusion / Sawed and Restored Man

As you can tell, I am on a Kevin James kick. Here is a variety of video variations to Kevin James' illusion of cutting a man in half and restoring him to full. This magician is excellent, creative and original!


Pierre said...

I'm sorry, but I find those videos disgusting. Making a show of somebody who was amputed of the bottom of his body... and making people laugh about it...
Criss Angel had this idea of "magic" (is there anything magic... :S) long time before Kevin James, and there was a big debate on this kind of "shows".

Why do you think the amputed man is wearing a wig and a mask? Do you think he enjoys doing this? He does it for money because he probably doesn't have many other choice for a living...
Now look at the show again and enjoy!

BradHD said...

Er... are you sure he's actually been amputated? At the end of the TV show clip, he seems to be quite comfortable jumping around with those legs.

sean metcalf said...

ah ha, i see exactly how this is done,i won't give it away, but here's a clue, the guy who gets cut in half is wearing stuff on his face so we can't tell who he is.

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