Sunday, December 16, 2007

Magic, Memories and Dad - for you Pop!

As many of you know, my dad's hobby throughout his life was studying, learning, and occasionally performing prestidigitation (magic tricks) and illusions. As the only child in the house, I often found myself the test audience or assistant (as my mom also found). We were expected to comment and assist even if this was the six hundredth time we were seeing the same card vanish. I had the opportunity, through my dad's hobby, to learn many of the techniques, meet many famous magicians, and attend some of the most amazing magic conferences in the world. What a great atmosphere to challenge a young mind into thinking outside the box. I'll never forget the time my Dad, Mom and I spent with magic. Nonetheless, you will occasionally find me sharing video, pictures and links of magicians I have found. My dad, if he were still with us, would love this new technology of YouTube and blogging. I can only imagine the compendium of magic he would have compiled to share with other magicians. I can only hope to share occasionally, mixed into the regular adventures of the Leppert family. Here are some pictures of Pop (Dale Leppert), Mema (Phylis) and my family as we shared Dad's birthday at his favorite restaurant in the world - Richard's Place. These pictures are from 2005. We all miss you Dad!

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